Atlantic Crossing

Last updated : 11 June 2007 By Ed_ScottishFitba
Hibs' Ross Campbell says he is ready to take on the World after he won a place in the squad which will travel to the Under-20 World Cup in Canada on the 25th of this month. The call up to the national squad for the prestigious tournament is the latest milestone in a meteoric rise for the Easter Road striker. He only made his Scotland debut, at any level, just three months ago in the best way possible by scoring four goals in his first two games. Edinburgh have provided six of the 21 players heading to Canada. Campbell is joined by team-mates Andy McNeil, Steven Fletcher and Sean Lynch with Hearts' Lee Wallace and Calum Elliot all crossing the Atlantic to face the world's best at their age group. While it may be new ground to Campbell, he has been told what to expect from Hibs' Moroccan striker Abdessalam Benjelloun, who played against Brazil during the last Under-20 World Cup finals as the North African country were beaten in a play-off for third place.

Campbell said: "
Benji has told us how Morocco played Brazil, he said the competition is unbelievable, the atmosphere tremendous and very well run. Benji had nothing but praise for it. All the best players in the world at our age are going to be there and, although I'd imagine the names and faces of the guys we'll be playing against will mean little to us at this time, who knows, we might be up against a superstar or two of the future. It would be great to say in a few years' time that I'd played against an emerging Ronaldinho or Thierry Henry."
Ger Harley (ger@scottishfitba net)

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