Motherwell Opens To Investment

Last updated : 10 January 2024 By ed_Scottish Fitba

C:WindowsTempphpCDF5.tmpLike many clubs, Motherwell are always interested in additional investment to stay in business in Scottish football.  The Lanarkshire club must be envious of the progress made by Wrexham ever since Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney invested in the Welsh side.  With income generation via TV rights a more generous proposition for clubs playing down south, Scottish clubs are at a disadvantage in balancing the books. Motherwell are taking the bull by the horns and making a plea directly to potential investors. 

If you check an interview with Interim CEO Derek Weir, who offers a realistic view on where the club are at the moment, you may reach for the check book.

"A note from Motherwell Chairman, Jim McMahon, following the release of the club's new advertisement campaign.

We have launched a campaign to attract new investment to support the work our club does both on and off the pitch.

The campaign features a tongue in cheek 90-second film, which riffs on the growing trend of US celebs owning UK football teams.

We're proudly a fan owned club but we are always looking for ways to do more and achieve bigger things. This is a slightly, out of the box approach, but with it, we hope we can increase Well Society memberships or find businesses or individuals whose values align with ours.

Most football clubs operate at a loss and are only viable through significant annual subsidies from their owners.

There’s a lot of talk of famous investors from the US right now. So we thought it’d be fun to put our own spin on the theme, to show what we’re all about at Motherwell Football Club.

Hopefully you can see that we’re a club that goes beyond just the 90 minutes. With things like walking football and mental health support, we’ve always helped the local community to make sure the positive effects of football can be felt off the pitch too.

We welcome anyone who wants to support a proper community club. Whether that be new additions to the Well Society or new sponsors. And if anyone from Hollywood wants to get involved then we’re all ears.

Thanks for your support.

Jim McMahon


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