Leave Flare In Football To The Players

Last updated : 12 February 2024 By ed_Scottish Fitba

C:WindowsTempphp4236.tmpThe popularity of pyrotechnics at football does not extend to those who look after the pitches or have to meet the cost of repair. While encouraging younger fans to get involved with their club is to be applauded; there are always some fans who take things a bit too far in showing their allegiance which ends up costing their club. Smaller clubs get hit disproportionally as their income is lower but the costs of pitch repair remain the same no matter which level you play at.  When it happens time and time again, something has to be said to remind fans of their responsibility when supporting their club.  Stirling Albion have been affected several times and a line has been crossed with the club issuing the following statement.

Stirling Albion club statement:  "We’re disappointed, yet again, that the younger element who purport to support the team have behaved in a way that damages the club both reputationally and financially. Yesterday’s incident, where flares were thrown onto the pitch at Alloa, will see the club being presented with a substantial bill for repairs. Staff and volunteers at the club work long hours to generate enough income for Darren to put together a team that we can not only be proud of, but that can cement our place in League 1 this season and, we hope, progress further in the coming years. As a part-time club we simply cannot afford to be throwing away money that comes from sponsors, season ticket holders and paying fans to accommodate a small bunch of supposed fans who are unable to behave, clearly have no allegiance to the team and show no interest in how we are trying to grow and develop as a club. We would ask all decent fans to help us identify the culprits so that we can try to put an end to what is becoming both an annoyance for ordinary fans and a financial drain on the club. Once we have identified the people responsible, we will not hesitate to ban them from our stadium. We would remind all fans that it is a criminal offence to possess fireworks and flares in a football stadium in Scotland and we will report any such offences to Police Scotland for further action."

The Chairman said: "Malky has brought so much more to the club and the wider staff than just football management. The board would like to put on record our thanks for his contribution over the last 2 ½ years and wish him all the best in the next chapter of his career."

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